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Writer's pictureSum Chi NG

An Interview from AAISS

╱ 第一屆•畢業於浸會大學視覺藝術系 •現於賽馬會創意藝術中心開設工作室 Atelier of Atmosphere 1st AAiSS • Graduated from Hong Kong Baptist University (Visual Art) • Established Atelier of Atmosphere, workshop at Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre

以前從未想到今日教音樂之餘還要兼顧行政、推廣、策劃等工作,更想不到我由當初參與活動,變成 今日的『搞手』,常常要為小朋友籌辦活動,將自己喜歡的興趣變成一種職業,我覺得很幸運。 現今要當一個藝術家真的需要有多樣性的才能:由買材料、推廣, 籌備展覽都一手包辦!籌辦一個個人展覽,還要顧及場地的限制、 時間安排,與藝廊合作時也要考慮到他們的定位和取向。

Diversified skills are required for an artist nowadays. The artist may need to take care of numerous tasks including purchasing of materials, promotion and exhibition organisation! Venue constraints and time arrangements must be taken into account for a solo exhibition. When working with an art gallery, their positioning and preferences also need to be considered.

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